Thursday, February 18, 2016

Post Pregnancy Pampering

     Ok, so prior to baby I always did my hair, finger nails, pedicure, and baby....well, let's just say the hair and makeup are still being done, but the toes, honey, the toes are just happy it's winter, and the nails, well, they needed a breather, or at least that's what I am telling myself. It is truly insane how much our lives change as moms. Everyone told me it would happen, but I shrugged it off thinking there would be time for everything.
     Here I am, with my son being a few short weeks away from turning one, and I am finally thinking I can find the time to pamper myself again. I never imagined I would walk out of the house without my nails done. In fact I was known for always having a great manicure, and having done them myself, I was proud of that. I jokingly tell friends and family that I replaced nail polish and cuticle oil for diaper rash cream which can currently be detected in my nail beds.
     For awhile I just didn't feel very pretty. The sleepless nights, unkept self, yoga pants around the clock, hair in a bun, all just started to get to me. I didn't feel like a "girl", but I sure as hell felt like a mom, and that isn't a bad thing. As the days rolled into weeks, and weeks into months, my son reminded me what was really important, and that's unconditional love. I realized hey, he doesn't care if my nails are done, if I'm wearing the latest fashion trend, or if I have on mascara and lip gloss (he hates it on his cheeks BTW). He loves me NO MATTER WHAT. He is just as excited to see mommy first thing in the morning when I'm looking like a hot mess, or later in the day when I have managed to somewhat get myself together, and it's amazing. He makes me feel like the most wanted person on the planet.
     Nothing compares to the way he lights up when he sees me, and there is no feeling in the world like the one I get when he walks to me with so much excitement he's practically running and his arms are in the air and the smile is from ear to ear! It's easier now that he is getting older and all of us are sleeping. I know eventually I will get my sexy back, and the hair and nails will prevail, but until then, I am relishing in the moments of pure happiness he gives me and there is no better feeling than to be loved for exactly who you are.
     My son is a constant reminder of what is most important in life and that's LOVE. The best kind of love there is. So don't worry fellow mommies, guardians, and caregivers...I always remind everyone that these moments pass in a flash, and it won't always be this way, so if you've got the time for the pampering go ahead and pamper away, and if you don't, well, don't worry, you will one day soon, and until then just remember what matters...In the words of The Beatles... All You Need Is Love.

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